International Artist's Day
Aryani Subarman
08 Feb 2023
Aryani Subarman
08 Feb 2023
Falls every October 25th, International Artist's Day honors artists from around the world and all the contributions they make! The day also celebrates one of the most famous artists, Pablo Picasso. The Spanish artist was born on October 25th, 1881!
From impressionism to abstract art or contemporary to modern art, we at RtistiQ celebrate #InternationalArtistsDay by dedicating this collection for the featured artists on our RtistiQ marketplace! As a buyer, as a collector or even as an art lover, share your love and appreciation by signing up for an art class or even buy an art piece from this curated collection.
Happy International Artist's Day, everyone!.
Falls every October 25th, International Artist's Day honors artists from around the world and all...