Although it is one of the most exciting and compelling markets, the art market has been shrouded for too long in secrecy and tradition. However, the unprecedented times we are living in are accelerating technology-driven changes beyond most optimistic predictions. The art market is catching up with other industries by embracing new technologies such as online art trading, OVRs, AI-based art pairing, and digital art with the recent NFT hype. RtistiQ is at the forefront of this revolution.
RtistiQ is an online art marketplace leveraging Blockchain and NFC technologies. Founded in 2019, RtistiQ was the vision of a group of Technology & Finance specialists with a profound passion for art.
Blockchain and NFC are some of the tools reshaping the art market. By enabling these innovative technologies on the platform, we address issues such as the lack of transparency in the art market, forgery, copyright infringement, untrackable provenance, and overdue royalties. We aim to empower our artists and our collectors equally by providing a secure and transparent environment for passion-driven transactions. Combined with Augmented Reality and AI, it enhances the art experience multifold in a digital economy.
RtistiQ builds a vibrant community of artists, collectors, art enthusiasts, soon galleries and art professionals. Our core values are Diversity and Social & Environmental Responsibility.
Our diversity is our strength. Over the past 2 years, we have built a multi-racial & multi-cultural team spreading across 5 countries & two continents. We also support artists coming from all walks of life. We strive to actively look for new voices in generally overlooked art markets such as India & South East Asia.
RtistiQ champions to provide excellent customer service with professional and free art advisory, secure payment, worldwide shipping through first-class partners, 14 days return policy, and multilingual personal customer service, available around the clock.
Credit artwork: FRANCK BAILLEUL, A way to feel, 2020
THE RtistiQ Team

Entrepreneur & Technologist by Profession in the space of Investment Banking and Financial Markets. Extensive experience in international business, stRead More
Jothi MenonCEO & FOUNDERjothi.menon@rtistiq.com
Operations and networking expert with a keen passion for performing arts. Art to me is a form of communication where you can connect with the true perRead More
Vinita AngeloCOO & CO-FOUNDERvinita@rtistiq.com
I have worked solely as an artist from my studio based in Paris and in the south of France. I recognized the importance of communicating and being actRead More
Aude RechCuratoraude@rtistiq.com
I had my art epiphany when I discovered Walter de Maria. However, it was always clear to me that understanding contemporary art requires a good knowleRead More
Floarea BänzigerCuratorfloarea@rtistiq.com
Learner at heart and go-getter by nature, I aim to deliver the best experience possible to all artists and collectors with my creative resources and mRead More
Moniykka PushpanathanMarketing Analystmoniykka@rtistiq.com
I started painting as a hobby when I was little.I believe talent is just an interest and anybody can do what others do. Love is an art that comes fromRead More
CyrilBusiness Developercyril@rtistiq.com
I have always had a deep love and understanding of the arts. Already during my master's degree, after being introduced to Curatorial Studies as a subjRead More
Amna Binte SwalehJunior Curatoramna@rtistiq.com
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