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Coming Soon - Maharaja Of All NFTs. Join The Waitlist.

Coming Soon - Maharaja Of All NFTs. Join The Waitlist.
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  • Starting today, the waiting list is open for early access to a never seen before, never done before NFT. The Maharaja of all NFTs is poised as a rare opportunity to own a piece of Indian Art Legacy - the works of Raja Ravi Varma one of the greatest painters in the history of Indian art. It will be brought to you by RtistiQ in collaboration with ‘Raja Ravi Varma Heritage Foundation’ and ‘Gallery G’.

The iconic Raja Ravi Varma (1848-1906) is known as ‘The Father of Modern Indian Art’. The royal brought a historic turn in the art of India and became the most iconic Indian artist of all times. He united Hindu mythological subject matter with European realism historicist painting style, depicting Indian gods and characters. Raja Ravi Varma made use of oil painting and mastered the art of lithographic reproduction to bring a wind of change by focusing on the details with his play of light, shadows and adding depth using perspective. His artworks are either part of royal collections and housed in palaces in India or owned by eminent private collectors.  

Just as RtistiQ has established a game changing secure physical-digital link for artists & buyers, via this auction of Raja Ravi Varma’s works and lithographs, we want to set a precedent for a rare collectible that has stepped out of history’s canvas. This is an NFT of many firsts; the first NFT of a national treasure, the first and only digital NFT for Raja Ravi Varma, first one in collaboration with a foundation and the first with a traditional gallery representation.  

The Indian government has declared his works nationwide treasures and non-export antiquities. With this endeavour to tokenize a chapter of Indian art, our mission is to bring to any art aficionado a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own original Raja Ravi Varma’s works regardless of where they reside.

We will be revealing more on the auction and dates soon. Make sure you join the waitlist on the RtistiQ NFT drop page.

Follow us on discord to not miss out on any update.  


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NFTs Come to Instagram

NFTs Come to Instagram

After many months of anticipation, Instagram’s CEO Adam Mosseri revealed a new Instagram update that will integrate sharing of NFTs into its platform. Users, collectors and creators will be able to view, share and engage with the NFTs on their feed, stories, and in messages. This will be a great way to display the digital assets they own on their profiles and view the tokens of their favoured artists, politicians or other friends they follow. Clicking on the tag will display the name of the creator and owner. The company is starting small with selected key athletes, models, and other influencers in order to test waters before building further on it. They want to learn from the community in the process and make Web3 technology accessible to a broader audience. An eventual full rollout will be available as Instagram expands this feature across the rest of their property including Facebook and their popular virtual reality Oculus programs. Adam Mosseri made a video explaining the entire NFT integration saying “I want to acknowledge upfront that NFTs and blockchain technologies and Web3 more broadly are all about distributing trust, distributing power.” Mosseri also emphasised that support for NFTs on Instagram could help introduce the technology to a much broader range of people. In January this year, Twitter introduced NFTs on the platform as hexagon-shaped profile pictures. An icon in the corner of Instagram posts of NFTs also appears as a hexagon. The complete video be viewed here: Artists will be able to connect their digital wallets to their profiles and instantly keep their followers involved with any work that has been done as well as sell to their fans. The company is acquiring and aggregating public data from open blockchains such as Ethereum and Polygon, which helps to highlight who owns what. The Solana and Flow blockchains will be integrated next. Creators can link digital wallets such as MetaMask, Rainbow, and Trust Wallet, and will soon be able to connect their Coinbase Wallet, Dapper, and Phantom. Instagram’s integration of non-fungible tokens could lead to mainstream adoption of NFTs and support creators’ ability to make a living.

How NFTs are Benefiting the Art Marketplace

How NFTs are Benefiting the Art Marketplace

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are certainly popular, and in the last year they have dominated art news headlines with tales of extravagant price tags. It’s a lot of heat and excitement, but just because NFTs are selling for a lot of money, does that really mean that they are good for the art marketplace? After all, there are plenty of items that sell at traditional auction houses for tens of millions of dollars, but very few artists and art lovers actually see any benefit from that kind of wealth being thrown around. But NFTs are different. They could very well reshape the way we think about buying and selling art, and they are overturning age-old expectations — in many ways for the better. Let’s look at some of the ways that NFTs are benefiting the art market. Greater Control for the Artists In the art market as we’ve known it, gallerists and art dealers have a lot of power. Their expertise and connections give them the ability to find buyers for artwork, and they can be especially helpful for artists just starting to break into higher prices. So what’s the problem with this system? Artists themselves rarely have the time to become experts in the art market or make the connections they need to move their art. That puts them at a power disadvantage. Even worse? There is almost a cultural stigma against artists diving into the pedestrian world of commerce. But NFTs allow certain new conditions for sales, conditions that artists can build into an NFT of their work. For instance, you can make an NFT of a digital work of art and guarantee that every time it is resold, the artist gets 10% of the price. What’s better, artists have access to the bidding information and the entire provenance of their work. That means they can see everyone who bought their artwork and how much they paid. This single change will revolutionize the artworld by leaps and bounds, helping artists to get more of the money their work generates. Greater Access for Art Lovers on Marketplaces On the other side of the coin are the art lovers. Many people want to buy art , but if you aren’t well connected, it can be hard to have access to everything that’s actually available out there. Of course, gallerists and auction houses and art dealers want to meet with and encourage every single art buyer. But the reality is that there is an emphasis on big time art buyers in the current art market. After all, if you are an art dealer with limited resources, are you going to focus on the tycoon you know who spends millions on art each year , or the middle income art lover just now wanting to buy? With NFTs, marketplaces are wide open. Auctions are available to everyone, and little if any information is reserved for a select few. This is letting more people leap into the world of art buying. That combined with the empowerment of artists means a lot more direct buying and selling of art. NFTs Are Changing When we think of NFTs in the artworld today, we predominantly think of auctions for blocks in a blockchain that are linked to digital files — like JPGs, MPEGs, GIFs, and so on. This has caused many to scratch their heads because when you purchase NFT arts for sale, you aren’t the only person with access to the art work. Anyone can still copy and share these files infinitely. But here is the thing: NFTs aren’t done evolving, not by a long shot. Remember when we talked about artists being able to use NFTs to get 10% of all future sales of their art? That’s what is called a smart contract. These are critical elements of NFTs, giving people the ability to have contract clauses automatically fulfilled when certain terms are met. And since NFTs copy the provenance of an artwork in a safe and secure way, they take the burden of provenance off of both the artist and the art buyer. Put these two things together, and you can see how NFTs won’t just become interlinked with the digital art market. They can also become critical features of the physical art market. As NFTs grow and change, we will see the art market shifting along with them. We are standing at the precipice of a major development in the art world. NFTs are going to be a core piece of this change.

Protecting Your Digital Assets and NFTs

Protecting Your Digital Assets and NFTs

With the rising popularity of NFTs and blockchain technology, it has become extremely important for NFT owners to protect their digital assets from theft or hackers. Below are a few tips you can follow to protect your NFT collection: Never disclose the private key or seed phrase of your wallets When you buy an NFT it resides in your wallet. Wallets like Metamask have a seed phrase and each account in it has a private key. Both of them should be kept secret and should not be shared with anyone. Sharing these will give the control of your wallet to the other and they can easily transfer your digital assets/NFTs to their wallets. Keep your digital assets/NFTs in multiple wallets In case you hold a large number of NFTs, another way to protect them is to keep them in different wallets. You can use a wallet to purchase the NFTs from different marketplaces and after that you can transfer them to another wallet which you haven't connected with any marketplace. By spreading your NFTs across different wallets, you can minimise the chance of losing all your NFTs as there is less chance of all your wallets getting hacked together. But this comes at a cost, you will have to bear the transaction charges for the wallet to wallet transfers. Use hardware wallets Hardware wallets are another excellent option to protect your Digital Assets. Although it comes at a cost but is one of the safest options to secure your assets. Ledger and Trezor are two most popular options for hardware wallets. These wallets keep the private key offline and thus provide an extra layer of security. Beware of Scammers With NFT marketplaces becoming more popular with the rise in crypto trading, there is also an increase in the number of scammers on these platforms. The most common way of scamming is through Discord DMs saying you have won an NFT from a popular NFT project. Before clicking on any such links you should double check with the NFT Project’s site or with any other community members. It's better not to trust any links which you receive in Twitter, Discord etc from people you don't actually know. Increase your knowledge about NFTs and Marketplaces Whenever you buy an NFT, spend some time to gain knowledge about that NFT project and its future roadmap. You should increase your knowledge about the NFT marketplaces so that you don't fall into the trap of scammers. For example, Opensea shows a blue checkmark next to verified projects. Likewise each platform will have its own way to show authentic NFTs. Self educating is the best way to identify scammers and to be safe from them. Follow the guidelines above to ensure you are able to robustly safeguard your NFTs. Your digital assets are as important and valuable as your physical ones and need an equal level of protection.


Sending Help to Ukrainian Artists In This Hour of Maximum Need  Through A Charity NFT Art Auction


Sending Help to Ukrainian Artists In This Hour of Maximum Need Through A Charity NFT Art Auction

The multifaceted work of Ukrainian artists has been welcomed by art buyers and collectors at home and throughout the world. But the war on Ukraine has ravaged the lives of these talented and driven artists and for the entire country as well. The events taking place feel unreal. Civilians have been forced to flee their homes and leave behind what they own due to this humanitarian crisis. Is seeing it in the news enough to make a difference? We think not. The crisis demands that we stand with the people who are being impacted by it and act in our capacities with a human-centric approach. So many Ukrainian artists have lost their homes, families and everything they had. They have lost the paintings they have worked so hard to create. Their paintings were both sources of inspiration and income, and now these precious pieces are gone or destroyed. The RtistiQ team had announced last week an upcoming non-fungible token (NFT) Drop of Women Artists, but given the current situation, we have decided to postpone it for a few weeks and instead give our fullest support to the Ukrainian artists right now. Art is in our spirit and in our destiny and to support these Ukrainian artists, RtistiQ will be launching a charity NFT art auction of their works. This is a corporate social responsibility initiative auction that will run from 7-10 April. Bidding is open to everyone. There will be no commissions charged to the artists in this auction and the entire mint cost and transaction cost will be borne by RtistiQ. It is urgent and these artists need emergency aid, shelter & supplies, and that’s where the proceeds from this first-ever charity auction of NFT artworks by RtistiQ will go. We at RtistiQ aim to give Ukrainian artists hope through our online art platform. As we raise money for a noble cause, we hope that the world can show it’s support for the Ukrainian artists by participating in this deed. We are ready to step up their art into the digital world so that the world can experience the metaverse first-hand - and in the process raise vital funds for these artists who are now in dire need of them in this particularly critical time.

Coming Soon - Maharaja Of All NFTs. Join The Waitlist.


Coming Soon - Maharaja Of All NFTs. Join The Waitlist.

Starting today, the waiting list is open for early access to a never seen before, never done before NFT. The Maharaja of all NFTs is poised as a rare opportunity to own a piece of Indian Art Legacy - the works of Raja Ravi Varma one of the greatest painters in the history of Indian art. It will be brought to you by RtistiQ in collaboration with ‘Raja Ravi Varma Heritage Foundation’ and ‘Gallery G’. The iconic Raja Ravi Varma (1848-1906) is known as ‘The Father of Modern Indian Art’. The royal brought a historic turn in the art of India and became the most iconic Indian artist of all times. He united Hindu mythological subject matter with European realism historicist painting style, depicting Indian gods and characters. Raja Ravi Varma made use of oil painting and mastered the art of lithographic reproduction to bring a wind of change by focusing on the details with his play of light, shadows and adding depth using perspective. His artworks are either part of royal collections and housed in palaces in India or owned by eminent private collectors. Just as RtistiQ has established a game changing secure physical-digital link for artists & buyers, via this auction of Raja Ravi Varma’s works and lithographs, we want to set a precedent for a rare collectible that has stepped out of history’s canvas. This is an NFT of many firsts; the first NFT of a national treasure, the first and only digital NFT for Raja Ravi Varma, first one in collaboration with a foundation and the first with a traditional gallery representation. The Indian government has declared his works nationwide treasures and non-export antiquities. With this endeavour to tokenize a chapter of Indian art, our mission is to bring to any art aficionado a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own original Raja Ravi Varma’s works regardless of where they reside. We will be revealing more on the auction and dates soon. Make sure you join the waitlist on the RtistiQ NFT drop page. Follow us on discord to not miss out on any update.

Bringing Together Art & Technology


Bringing Together Art & Technology

The Art challenges the technology and the technology inspires the Art - John Lasseter Beyond inspiration, Technology has now moved into augmenting Art and bringing people together to cherish creativity to its truest potential. At RtistIQ we aspire to bring forward the best in class technology to the Creative Community, furthering its outreach while also helping to address some of the known challenges of the Industry. Technology today has been transforming every Industry known to humans, making it faster, better and with best of convenience. Digital Transformation has been the key driving focus for majority of industries to provide best of tools and services to the consumers at an affordable price. Internet, Mobile and Smartphones has penetrated every household in recent time, bringing together both an opportunity as well as challenges. The opportunity lies in reaching to the farthest of places and people, which wouldn't have been possible at any level of physical interaction; while bringing the challenge of being able to stand-out, provide credibility and protection from fraudulent transactions. Technology Behind RtistiQ At RtistIQ, we have brought together a combination of latest technology and artistry to give power to the creative community to expand their outreach with convenience, security and specialization. Some of the key technology put in place are as below Blockchain & NFC Powered At its core we have combined the powers of Digital Imagery, Blockchain and NFC to create a digital DNA of every artwork linking back to the original creator, offering proof of ownership, provenance history and security from forgeries. We employ advanced image scanning and robust hashing techniques to create a digital finger-print, which along with other unique information of the art as well as its transaction are stored securely into the blockchain. A tamper proof IOT device attached to the artwork provide additional security and authenticity to the physical work, which is further linked back to the platform for validation. Artificial Intelligence We harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to offer better security to the art works as well as facilitate better Art Discovery and predictability for the users based on their interests and choices. No two humans are same and so is the perception of artwork. With AI we are able to offer individuality of choices and personalize user experiences. Together with conversational AI and chatbots, helps users to interact with the platform to assist the usage and search of artworks of interest without waiting for support staffs. AI enabling is not part of the current Beta release, and is currently on learning mode to be made available in the main release. Augmented Reality And 3D Projections One of the common challenges of digital mediums in comparison to physical stores / exhibitions, has been the ability to interact with the product / artwork. This is to an extent getting eliminated through the use of AR technology, which enables users to have an in-store like experience and also see the fitment of the artwork in their living rooms. The ability to visualize a virtual representation of products in 3D, to scale and in their intended environment, enables shoppers to make better judgments, removing the need to measure and verify dimensions. Once they have made their determinations, they can buy the artwork online and have it shipped right to their door-steps with few clicks. RtistIQ further employs digital technology, social-media aggregation and other automation tools to make the marketplace engaging and convenient for both the creator and Art lovers. We strongly believe, through the application of digital channels and advanced technologies is going to change the way we look, perceive and interact with artworks for the betterment of the community in large. We strive to bring the best and most advanced technologies in its easiest forms for the Art Community to benefit from. We hope as users you would enjoy interacting with the platform as much we did to bring the platform out to you... Author: RTISTIQ Team

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